
Minimum Pest Control Problem in a 1 Bedroom Apartment

Here is your proper application

For a Minimum Pest Problem in a 1 Bedroom Apartment we recommend 1 ET Pest Control. With 1 ET Pest Control Pest Repeller placed within the infested area of your apartment you should get impressive results.

The ET Pest Control will instantly go to work the minute you plug it in and setting the unit to target your pest problem is as easy as a click of a switch. Very simply instructions come with.

For Minimum Pest Control Problem in a 1 Bedroom Apartment

D&R Technologies LLC Recommends 1 ET Pest Control

PEST CONTROL | Direct Targeting Targets Insects/ Bats/ Bugs


90.00 Internet Low Price $49.99 per unit

For Insect it takes 6 weeks and for most Rodents 3-4 weeks of ET Electronic Pest Repelling to see full positive results.

This is why we offer a 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE on the ET Electronic Pest Control.

It can take time to eliminate pest problems, but once under control with the proper application you will be protected from unwanted pest.

ET Electronic Pest Repeller Application:

My name is Rob Cameron owner of D&R Technologies LLC. Here is what I would do if I had a pest problem and let’s say it was in my kitchen and garage of my home and the pest problem was intermediate to severe.

First off I would place an ET unit on every level of the home (in the largest rooms). This will established a no pest zone on each level as pests shouldn’t travel to a new level of the home unless a Very Severe problem exists.

Now that this is covered you want to focus on the Kitchen and Garage by placing one ET pest control unit in each room along with the rooms around them like the living room and larger bedrooms (on the main floor with the problem).

With what said I hope your common sense can guide you regarding how many ET Pest Control units you will need.