
Proper App.

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How Many ET Pest Control Units do I need to get rid of my Pest Problem?

The ET Pest Control units will repel around 5000 square feet (IN OPEN AREA).

“THIS MEANS NOT CONFINED” to walls and doors and objects in its way.

The ET Pest Control units are similar to a STEREO. If you put a stereo in an open area room you will hear the stereo at its fullest potential, But if you clutter up the room with stuff in its way you will find your stereo to be much more muzzled and not as clear.

When you add more ET Pest Control units positioned in different spots.  It’s like adding more speakers to your stereo system as YOU CAN HEAR MORE INTENSE SOUNDS AROUND YOU.

The ET Pest Control units are similar to stereos but are much much more intense as they serve the purpose to totally disrupt most all pest problems. In return it causes communicating problems, flying problems, eating disorders, along with totally driving them crazy with the REVOLTING SOUNDS.  Trust me NO New Pests will intrude your area once the ET Pest Control is plugged in.

ET Electronic Pest Repeller Application:

My name is Rob Cameron owner of D&R Technologies LLC. Here is what I would do if I had a pest problem and let’s say it was in my kitchen and garage of my home and the pest problem was intermediate to severe.

First off I would place an ET unit on every level of the home (in the largest rooms). This will established a no pest zone on each level as pests shouldn’t travel to a new level of the home unless a Very Severe problem exists.

Now that this is covered you want to focus on the Kitchen and Garage by placing one ET pest control unit in each room along with the rooms around them like the living room and larger bedrooms (on the main floor with the problem).

With what said I hope your common sense can guide you regarding how many ET Pest Control units you will need.

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